What's going on!
OK I am updating, hurah. School is over for another semester. At last freedom!
I hope that eveyone is doing well.
Here's what's new, i'm pregnant, almost 6 months now!
I am having an ultra sound on monday and I will post the pictures if they are good. (even if they aren't)
Lalalala. i am planning on updating this site soon so look out!

Miscellaneous thoughts
I am an idiot, no more needs to be said. (more on this later)
7/05/01:(more on this later continued)I am an idiot. i couldn't seem to make paragraphs on these darned things and couldn't figure out what the heck to do until, ta da ::magic smoke appears from nowhere and chokes all those in the front row:: i figured out that all I had to do was put a space between them like so:
So for upcoming updates on why I am an idiot stay tuned, same jade time, same jade channel %-}
8/11/01:(more on this later continued again) <- uh what? ok that's just more proof i'm an idiot ok, anyway, why i am an idiot today is i cannot seem to quit my job. I guess i am just lazy and don't want to apply anywhere else. I will have to set a date to go out and get applications. ugghh. Oh yes, and i am also an idiot because I went through whole a h*** of a lot of s*** to get into this chinese class and it turns out it is full. }:-| Hopefully the prof. will allow an overload. of TTFN!