The Jade Raven's Perch
Home Page

My New Art Age...

My Art

What's New Page

Favorite Links

Phun with Photos

Anime Clip Art

Wedding Area

To Begin With...
Hi All Who DARE TO ENTER The Jade Raven's Perch. Ok the name stinks. Post me a new idea if you've got a better one!! So here's a basic guide to my site:

I have a photo page with some things that I have drawn and sketched over the past few years. When I have enough new stuff I will add a new page. Please check out my art. I need criticism!

I have added a "photo 2" page with some of my senior pictures and of my love, Trevor Chan maybe in the future some of my friends as well

I have added a "photo 3" page with anime clip art. Mainly for Sylvia ;)

I have a What's New page basically for those who know me to check out although if you're really that curious I guess you can too:-)

I have a links page with some of my favorite links so check that out.

yay, i've breached 400 hits on my site.

TTFN: ta ta for now!

Site Updates

6-4-2004:I have changed the names of the sections of my side on the side . <- there. I have also added a new wedding picture and I am trying to get a link with the weather on it from the weather channel. It's cool. I have also changed the picture on the first page to one of Trevor and I at the Renaissance Fair. I am weilding a Turkey Leg.

5-11-2004:Ok i have added a new page i think it is called custom page. I will put more on it when the computer is running fully. I also finally changed the what's new page. i like the stuff I wrote too much on this page to change it, but i do want to update, what to do what to do....

2-10-02: I added a new picture to my photo 2 page. It is a badly constructed one of trevor and i that I made my self. I also barely, changed this page

1-07-01: I changed the What's New Page. Please Trevor Read it. I love you

12-31-01: ok it's been a while i updated the What's New Page, I am putting some pictures of Trevor on the site under the photo 2 page.

10/3/01: I have updated my what's new page, and i have added e-mail, check out the What Can I Enhance Today part for more details.

8/12/01:I have added some new pictures to Photo three and once again changed the links picture as well as the What's new page so check it out eh?

8/11/01cont.:I have changed my picture on the links page and added the old one to my photo one page getting rid of an old Goku. I have added some new face to Photo three. Sylvia you should check out the links and photo three page ;-)

8/11/01 :I have updated the Miscellaneous part of the Whats New page, so you can all see once again why i am an idiot!

7/26/01 cont.:I have reordered my Photo One page to My own stuff, my copied Archie's, my copied anime, my anime stuff. *Definately not ordered from best to worst that would take some ego crushing! I just thought that I should group things. :-)

7/26/01: I put up a new picture in Photo 1 Page. It is a wood burning I did yesterday and today. I also updated the What's New Page Again, much more cheery this time about so enjoy!

7/25/01 cont.: I have added an anime clip art section. Photo page 3. I have rewritten the My opinions part of the homepage and fixed the To Begin with...

7/25/01: I have reordered this so the most recent things happen at the top. I have updated the what's new page and fixed the captions on my pics. :-)

7/18/01: i have put up some of my senior pictures. Go check them out if you want a scare. Ps. i have not yet put captions on them, so please forgive the whole hal thing.

7/15/01: I have updated the Whats New page Kaloo Kalay! I have also updated the To Begin With.. thing. I added two more sentances and spaces basically. Well la de da look at me go to town.

7/04/01 continued:I am in the process of trying to figure out how the heck to get a counter on here so let's see how that goes, eh?

7/4/01: Ok I'm back. I can't seem to get the e-mail me thing going so post me!(see i'm actually putting the date like your supposed to do at these things!

My Opinions on Random Things.
Ok, my opinion for today is on life. Sometime it sucks but you can't let that get you down because there's always tomorrow, right? Right? What do you mean there's no tomorrow? When will the sun come out then?

...Oh.... okay then. Lovely. Well if there's no tomorrow there is no point in moping around today right? Good. Well too bad, everybody needs to feel sad.

As i once heard in a movie "eating bitter allows you to taste sweet."

True true. No matter how bad things get they can always get worse. Wait, that's not to cheery {:-(
ok then. Well if that quotes right pretty soon I'm gonna be on a sugar high. No no. Things aren't that bad, i personally know of at least several people that have things a lot worse than i do and are much more cheery than I.

la la la i don't know ok.

And knowing that you do not know is the first step to wisdom.

And beware the man who looks to the stars because he is at the mercy of the puddles at his feet.

And i see said the blind man to the deaf as he picked up his hammer and saw. hey how funny, that even works out to be the same spelling.

And the bare foot boy with shoes of tan stood sitting by the river.

Deep but not Profound
Need but not Desire
Good but not Great
Sleep but not Rest
Feel but not Think
Pretty but not Beautiful
Cook but not Clean.

Can you add more to the puzzle, Cork me some good ones!

ok was that random enough for you, oh yes, here Sylvia:

I used to be schizofrenic but we got help

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups

You're just jealous because the voices aren't talking to you

I hear voices, and they don't like you

If i throw a stick, will you leave

And of course the classic:

I do whatever the voices in my head tell me to do.

What Can I Enhance Today?
7/04/01: I added a cork board. Please, please, please write me! I love other peoples input!

7/05/01: I added a counter! Yay now I can see how many people check out my drivel!

10/3/01:I added e-mail to my links page. it derives from anime nation, one of my links, it's pretty cool and a good e-mail provider, I have an account there myself so give it a whorl. I may move it to this page as opposed to links or I may switch it around on that page but it will be there.:-)

Tell Me News and Critic My Stuff!

My Corkboard

Me at Contest Freshman Year
Sorry, I have no good pictures of me. Funny how a picture from band my freshman year is the most recent thing I have huh?